Wednesday, April 1, 2009

opposites attract

See full size imageAs I was reading “Lucy,” I tried to think of situations in my life where I could relate to her experiences. One that I found especially interesting was Lucy’s relationship with Peggy. I pulled this situation out because I believe we can all say that we have each had a friend that our parents may not have been too keen on at some point in our lives. Peggy is viewed as the “exact opposite” of Lucy, as seen “ Peggy and I were not alike, either, but that is just what we liked about each other; what we didn't have in common were the things we approved of anyway” (61) This relationship is extremely relatable for me because I have had friends similar to Peggy where we have extremely different ways of life/morals but still are able to find a common ground. I believe these types of relationships are important because you can learn a lot from one another (good and bad), just as Lucy does with Peggy.

As a parent, do you think you would allow your son/daughter to hang out with a girl like Peggy? Would you hang out with Peggy even if you knew it would bother your parents?

1 comment:

  1. hey Steph,

    I would be torn in becoming friends with someone that my parents disapproved of...I could really get along with them when I did get to hang out with them, but I probably wouldn't be best friends like Lucy parents' voices would be ringing in my head NON-STOP...ESPECIALLY if I was away from home...

    likewise, I feel like I would be the same to my kids...I would say I didn't approve or they probably weren't the best influence...but at Lucy's age, or my age now, what could I do...she's an adult...

