Today in class we viewed a clip based on the text Othello- we followed the viewing with a discussion of the pros and cons of film VS the actual text. When I read a book and it comes out in a movie I usually dislike the movie because it is so different from what i imagined, although in this specific case, I really think i benefitted from seeing the film. It was really cool seeing the story put to action in a different way than i had imagined- I also thought the characters did a great job of expressing the emotion the scene.

On a side note, SMC offered a free viewing of Twilight this past weekend, and i was super excited to go see it- although, after i saw it I was extremely disappointed - (with one exception: edward cullen) - I don't feel like the movie did the book justice at all. Although the characters seemed to be chosen well, i feel the story wasn't half as exciting on film as it was on paper. I think this is interesting because I had the exact opposite reaction to Twilight on film than i did to Othello on film.
What are your thoughts? Did you prefer the film over the text?